About the EMC

The Episcopal Missionary Church (EMC), incorporated in 1992, is an outgrowth of the Episcopal Synod of America (now Forward in Faith, North America), an association formed to maintain the traditional faith and practice of The Episcopal Church. The Rt. Rev. A. Donald Davies, retired Bishop of Fort Worth, Texas, served as its first Presiding Bishop and was succeeded by The Rt. Rev. William W. Millsaps, former Chaplain of the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee. Bishop Millsaps continues to be the Ordinary of the Diocese of the South (with the Rt. Rev. John Greaves serving as Bishop Coadjutor), and Christ Church, Monteagle, Tennessee, serves as the Cathedral for the diocese. The Rt. Rev. Peter Ng’ang’a became Presiding Bishop of the EMC in 2024 and is the Ordinary of the Diocese of the West.

We acknowledge the Nicene and Apostles’ Creeds as definitive statements of the Christian faith, emphasize the necessity of the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and support the historic Episcopate as a means of maintaining Apostolic Succession. We embrace a variety of liturgical styles from Evangelical to Anglo-Catholic.

Of course, the EMC stands in the tradition of a world-wide communion of churches who trace their roots not only to the Reformation, but to the earliest Christian centuries in the British Isles. The term “Anglican” essentially means “English” and refers specifically to the Church of England and her daughter churches around the world. At present, the world-wide Anglican Communion of churches has some 85 million members in 165 countries, making it the third largest Christian denomination in the world.